B.A. R.M.T
Oh, Hey!
In a world full of incredibly talented humans, it's an honour to have you show up here, to my tiny, little slice of the internet. Over the years I have learned many skills, including creating this page that you're reading right now. I'm not a web designer or a copywriter, and honestly, I'm not very techy whatsoever, but just like everything else in life, we can learn and evolve anything we want, when we put our mind to it.
What began as a search for something more than Massage Therapy, this Solopreneur journey grew into writing, podcasting, typesetting, making
lip balms (?) and so much more...
If you are looking to connect and work with me, please complete the form below.

Podcast Production & Editing
Typesetting & Book Design
Myofascial Release Therapy
Self-Taught Master
Truth Seeker
Human Connector